Just a note:  THIS IS FROM MAY 2024...not the post date of July.  I am behind. Isn't this a funny sign.  Do you think they put up the warning to watch for Elderly people and then realized that the ducks would love "easy food droppers" and so they had an overload of ducks to watch out for? Or did they have a lot of ducks, and they attracted the elderly people and those caused problems.  Either way, this is a funny sign. 

I know, I have been a bit silent on the blogging front about what is happening on our mission.   I must admit that things seem to be busy and then they seem so slow.  We are still volunteering at the USO and in fact, drumroll......we were the volunteers of the month for May.   I know accolades galore.  The USO has a truck they call "Big Ben" and we were serving Hot dogs and chips and drinks to family's who had come out to support an event.  It was a flag football game, Britts against us Yanks.  We were happy to support the event and we were exhausted when we got home.  Elder Gurr cooked the Hot dogs, and I handed out a choice of chips and then a soda.   The British have a liking for Fritos corn chips...something that is not available here.  

I need a haircut.  Elder Gurr has tried a couple of locations and found a place that does a nice high and tight cut.  I have yet to venture out, but really need too....it is just hair.

We had a fun Senior Couple's adventure to the Lincoln Castle ruin and Cathedral in May also.   Lincoln was about a 2.5 hr. drive for us, but it was so much fun to spend P-Day with the other Senior Couples and not just to feed and serve the missionaries at Zone Conference.   

Lincoln Castle was used as a prison.  In fact, if you watched Downton Abby, this is where Bates was sent and filmed while in jail.  They have these dragons by the wall, that will blow smoke from their mouths every 20 minutes or so.  It is completely walled around the castle, and you can walk the rampart. 

We also walked to the Cathedral....I think was a very impressive Cathedral. First consecrated in 1092, around 20 years after Lincoln was designated a seat of a bishopric, Lincoln Cathedral was the home of medieval Britain’s first Norman Bishop, Remigius.  Inside you can look for the Lincoln Imp. 

We have a ton more pictures....I have to figure out how to save them all.
What made this day the most fun was that while at the Castle, we found ourselves in the middle of a scavenger hunt for a group of bride's maids.  They had to do lots of things on a list, and we helped them with a photo bomb, me saying congratulations to the bride and groom in Spanish...no I don't speak Spanish and Elder Gurr being the real hero who say, "Endless Love" with them. Yes, I have it on video...no I can't seem to get it to upload.  He was a trooper. 

Of course the best part of any month is when we can share a meal with a family.  We were invited over to the Ray's home for pizza.  Bro. Ray was at BYU with our son Johsua and then also in San Antonio.  He has a cute little family, and he is an anesthesiologist here at the 45th Wing hospital.   They bought an outdoor pizza oven and we are sold on getting on in the future!  It was some great pizza, but even better fellowshipping.  Elder Grooms (from Lehi) and Elder Flake (from Bountiful) joined us.  

We remain continually inspired by our missionaries. The gospel is spreading remarkably fast within our mission. We feel immensely blessed to be part of this. I'm trying to remain focused on looking ahead and keeping my heart open—positive things are happening, and I want to live with no regrets. I also need to heed the Savior's counsel to "Remember Lot's wife" and to not look back. There is an abundance of things to anticipate ahead, and I can't keep looking back or turning my heart to home as often as I do.  I am working on it. 

We send our love.
Elder and Sister Gurr


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