It is SEPTEMBER already!!!

August seemed to fly by.  We had an active month with lots of activities to keep us busy.   We sadly said good-bye to families we learned to love and yet we have new families moving in to get to know.... the never-ending cycle of what military families experience every 3 or so years. I hurt my knee (again) and so our daily walking routine has been non-existent so that was NOT fun.   One thing we have been warned about is the lack of vitamin D.  Come to find out it is really important vitamin to have.  I am low on Vitamin D and we are in the height of the summer months...what will I do in the winter?  As of now, I have been prescribed a high dose of Vitamin D to get my body back on track....What a blessing to have good doctors and to be able to be seen on the base. 

We are also sad to say goodbye to some of our missionary's as they have been transferred and some have also gone home.   It is easy to love these young missionaries.   We have been so impressed with how wonderful they are doing as representatives of the Savior and helping people come to Christ.  

A big welcome to my nephew Zach and his wife Jill's son Hunter to the Birmingham mission.   It will be fun to see him at zone conferences and hopefully he will be assigned to our district one day. 


We were able to go to the temple 3 times the past few weeks.  One was for the Senior Temple Trip.  We also had two of our Temple Prep members go to the temple for the 1st time --- we loved it!  

While we were driving to the temple on the M25, I saw this group of signs.


 Our volunteer opportunities kept us busy in the month.  We were asked to help at the Lakenheath Library for their end of summer event.  We had the fun job of giving out snacks. 

While talking with the Mildenhall Librarian during the "newcomers" brief, she mentioned that the Mildenhall Library needed help with their end of summer reading program.    Sign us up!   We were told there were several game stations and a bouncy house--Elder Gurr was chanting, "not the bouncy house, not the bouncy house" and when we got there ---BOUNCY HOUSE! 

We had a lot of fun doing the Race and will look forward to it next year.  A lot of work was involved because the organizer for years had a death in the family and headed back to the States... and people came together with the Chaplain's help to make sure it all happened.  The best part was getting to know more people on base. 

Never a Dull Moment: 

At our last Zone Conference, Elder Gurr opted to spend some time helping with car inspections.... we have a lot of help with the food from all the couples as we prepare to feed the young missionaries. 

WE enjoy having dinners with families and we in return have had dinners here at our house with both families and the Elders. The Lambas family live on one of the large Church farms here.  They are so fun and generous to the missionaries.   If you have the chance to feed the missionaries in your area---DO IT!
These are the Thetford/Mildenhall missionaries.  Elder Grooms next to Elder Gurr is from Lehi!
We had a great breakfast and served Aebleskivers (Grandma Crawfords recipe)

So grateful for prayers for us and for the ability to stay in contact through texts and social media.  We are headed into the fall and once again more rain and cooler temperatures.   We have only had a few really hot days this past month and I am hoping that we aren't going to start having more and more rainy days---I am not ready but come what may and love it!  (which prophet said that?)

I love being a representative of our Savior Jesus Christ.  He is the truth, the light and the way.  What a blessing to have a prophet on the earth and to be led by so many wonderful leaders.  

We love the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Elder and Sister Gurr


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