June part 2....only 1 more to go.

I don't always think that we are busy, but looking back and what we were able to do in the month of June, I realize we had a good month.  I have some moments were I still struggled with what we are doing or not doing, and I understand, I need to give it time.  

We are THRIFT SHOP volunteers and also RED CR0SS volunteers.   So, Tuesdays are our day for the Red Cross, and we help with new-comer orientations.   Thursdays are our day at the Thrift Shop on Mildenhall.   Hopefully, Wednesday will be devoted to the library starting in Sept.


We had a "Power of the Badge" moment on Mildenhall.  We got out of our car and were walking toward the BX.   A man and women were standing just outside the front sliding doors.   The woman looked at us, and it was a look like, "I know you" and we both thought, "do we know her?"   She slowly just started moving toward us. She met us right in the middle of the road.  She said, " Oh my goodness, you are an answer to my prayers" her relief was palpable.  She had tears and relief in her voice as she said, "We are broken down outside the gate and are just visiting the area...we didn't know what to do.  So, I have been praying for someone to come, and here you are."  At that moment someone came out of the BX and said, "I found a ride, but we need to go".... we didn't actually help them, but just her expression and relief from our badges was such a blessing in my mind. 


We had the opportunity to go to the ELY Cathedral, which is only about 30 minutes from us.  So, we took our P-day and headed out.  It is a beautiful Cathedral.  The thing I first noticed was that there were a lot of Angels carved and used inside the Cathedral.  Sometimes we only see some very grotesque and dark figures carved in the wood or stone around the churches, but this seemed much 'lighter' to me.  

Upstairs is a Stained-Glass Museum.  It has some of the oldest Stained Glass that has been donated from around England to be a part of the collection.  

Outside the Cathedral on the walls are some very funny Gargoyles on display.   I had to find out what the difference was between Gargoyles and other carvings called Grotesques.   So many times, I see faces that are very ugly or sticking out their tongues.  I am going to gather my pictures and post them some time. 

  • Gargoyles are carved, functional waterspouts. They are specifically designed to divert rainwater from the sides of buildings, often seen on gothic cathedrals. These creatures often depict menacing or frightening figures, serving as protectors against evil spirits. Their primary purpose is both functional (water diversion) and symbolic (warding off evil).

  • Grotesques, on the other hand, lack water-spouting capabilities. They are purely decorative stone carvings or paintings of creatures. Unlike gargoyles, they do not serve a functional purpose in channeling water away. Grotesques can take various forms, including humans, animals, or imaginary beings.  Their aesthetic appeal enhances the overall artistic design of buildings, reflecting cultural ethos and moral tales of the era. 

We took a wander around town and came upon a Saturday Market just before it closed up for the day.
Elder Gurr saw a small stand selling German Bratwurst.   He was eager to get a bratwurst and said to the vendor, " I will take a bratwurst on a ...a... Biscuit!   The gentleman had the most stunned look on his face.  A Biscuit?  Elder Gurr quickly said, "roll, a roll" but the gentleman couldn't get over it.  As you know, a biscuit is a "cookie" in England...not a roll or bun of any kind.   I bet that vendor will have a good laugh to share with his friends about the "crazy" American wanting his bratwurst on a cookie.... (we subtly were placing our hands over our badges to cover our names).  As Elder Rasband says, "Words Matter".

The next two pictures finish up our Ely Cathedral trip.  As I mentioned in the last blog, there are a lot of memorials that have a permanent place around churches or near graveyards.  This was a beautiful one.    Also--- ICECREAM!  I wish I could tell you what flavor came with my coconut ...it was some kind of plant that turns the ice cream purple.  It was very yummy!  

okay...I am getting there!  One more blog to round out June.  June ended on a great note, so stay tuned.

I love the talk by Elder Rasband about "Words Matter".   I am loving learning from our British saints all the subtle differences in our languages, but the one language that is never wrong is the language of love....and the gospel.  We are taught in the Preach my Gospel book, " Love, Share, Invite".   I would like to share my love and gratitude for such wonderful family and friends.  I am so happy I can share just a few moments of our mission with you.  I invite you to do better than I have and write in your journals or make a note of the wonderful things that the Lord is showing you...miracles are happening.  I can see him guiding me even when I don't realize it at the time, He is always there.  

This I know ---Jesus Christ lives!  He is our Savior and the Good Shepherd.  I know he loves me and I know he loves you.  

Make time in your life for the things that really matter.

OH!  I forgot; we are teaching the Mission Prep Class.  We had 5, but one young man is headed to Colorado Springs to the Airforce Academy.  It is a great group consisting of 1 YW and 4 YM.   They inspire me to do better.

Talk with you soon!
Elder and Sister Gurr


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