here is an extra little Vignette...

We had the opportunity to help with a service project in a cemetery located in Mildenhall town center.  We didn't even recognize the place as a cemetery because it is all walled in, and the church nearby was torn down years ago from being so depleted.   This area was so overgrown with trees and bushes and hedges, you couldn't see what was behind the walls.   There is one small gate for the entrance, and it was like stepping back into time.  To say it was a bit creepy is an understatement.   Sadly, it was used up until it was closed off (except for the one entrance) as a "hang-out" for groups that were "sharing" their various forms of self-enlightenment.   

 The Relief Society Sister in charge, Sister Theresa Chipulina was there with her sister and 2 small children, and us.   We are so glad we made the effort to go...this is what we faced...overgrown headstones and thick ivy covering them.  It was like uncovering a hidden prize underneath.

Sister Chipulina had such a sweet way to make that cemetery come alive for us.  She knew so many of the family names and would tell us the things she remembered and what each family did in the past as far as being a butcher or teacher or founder of the community.  When a grave was cleared, she would very softly talk to the person, and say she hoped their work was being done for them and that they wouldn't have to wait long for temple blessings to come. 

We felt blessed to be a part of this service project.   We will gladly go back and continue to help clear when the chance arises.   Days like this make us so glad to be here in England, with all its rich history.   


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