getting caught up...yikes! so far behind.  This is part one of three blogs......June 2024

Poppy Field near our home in Feltwell.

  Because it was the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Invasion, a lot of places placed poppies around memorials and churches.  It is sad to think that the men and women who fought in WWII are now dying off....I hope we never forget their sacrifice.   Elder Gurr's dad served in Paris during the war.  Most churches here have a reminder either outside or inside with names of those who gave their lives for the price of freedom.  The picture in the middle is from our main church here in Feltwell.

In the Book of Mormon we have our "war chapters" too.  I never realized until a few years ago just how many lessons come from those chapters.   We all know the power of one who can make a stand against evil.  I love the story of Capt. Moroni and the Title of also was a symbol for the people to remember the purpose of why they needed to fight for their religion, their family and their liberty.  We are still having that battle today.  It is good to have remembrances of the sacrifice and purpose we have to fight against evil.

June is a contradiction in weather here.   We have sunny days and then we have cloudy days and of course as always rainy days.  We have been hot and cold.  We are learning and keep our raincoats in our car.

We traveled to Cambridge for Zone Conference in June.  Elder Gurr and I were asked to share what it meant to be "A life long Disciple of Jesus Christ"...we think we were asked because of our age more than anything.   I am still working on my discipleship...and will probably be throughout eternity, but because of our Saviors grace and love and Atonement, I will be able too.   This was a first for me, to stand up and share with these young Elder's and Sister's who impress me every time I am with them.

We also have been introduced to one of England's unique but not native wildlife animals.  I have been hearing this barking in the early mornings, and would wonder and think, "why don't our neighbors let their dog in the sounds sick".  Well, come to find out, it is not a dog that is barking.   I was looking our out our kitchen window and saw one of these little "deer" right there in the backyard.  We see these deer alongside of the road and they are about the size of a large dog.  Sadly, we also see these deer smashed on the road too.   Next morning, looking out I see 2 more of these "deer" in our neighbor's yard.   Come to find out, they are called muntjac deer.  They are native to China and in the early 1900's some were brought here as an exhibit, and they escaped.  They are like rabbits and have invaded some areas and they eat gardens and flowers. (This info. came from my British it may not all be accurate.... that is what google is for.)

This little deer actually barks...they call it the barking deer.  It is crazy.

June also brought some interesting things that popped up around our little town in Feltwell.  We saw a few "scarecrow" figures dressed up as we drove in and out of town, and then more and more popped up ---most were wearing superhero attire, and we did not know what that was all about. 

Elder Gurr and I both had to speak in Church for Father's Day.  I was asked to speak in two wards...and so I got to practice with one ward and do better with the next.  Actually, the Thetford ward had a long program and I ended up just bearing my testimony.    In Mildenhall, we were the only two speakers.   I was prepared with 2 dad jokes.   What makes a joke a dad joke?  When it becomes apparent.   (groan) and for the British Saints... What do you call a line of men waiting for a haircut?   A barber-queue.   (an even bigger groan)
Elder Gurr gave a very touching story about his father and read a letter that his father had sent to his older brother Curtis.  It was a very tender letter that shows what a great man Heber was.   I am so grateful for my father, and we miss our dads every day.   I see so many things and think, "'oh, Dad would love that, or Mom would love to see those flowers.   I am so very grateful for the great plan of happiness that our Heavenly Father has prepared for us...that we can be together forever as a family.

Thanks for the love and support.
Part two of this long blog is next.

Elder and Sister Gurr


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