Spring is in the air....well something is anyway. 

 This is a picture from the MTC.  The picture at night lets light through to give it a beautiful effect....just as the Savior is our light and when we let him through, He shines inside of us.

Spring is in full bloom in England.  We arrived on the 29th of February and the daffodils were blooming and have continued through the month of March.   The flowers grow all along the roadside and in the middle of the round-abouts.   My favorite flower is the tulip, but after this month, the daffodil is a heavy contender.   Maybe it is something to do with the cooler temps and the wetter climate, but these have been blooming all month.  Some British members I spoke with debated about whether the daffodil is the flower of England ---it is for Wales, but maybe not here in England---they sure have been beautiful. Sorry my pictures are from the car window as we whiz by.  

 Spring is always such a great time for renewal and for starting fresh.  I wonder if that is why the Savior was Resurrected in the Spring....of course I know that Israel maybe is not following the same climate pattern as I know, but I sure am happy to think about the Savior in the springtime.   

We have now visited all 4 wards that we are to cover...makes it harder to get to know people.
After visiting the Cambridge Ward ( which I have to say had me feeling like I was not smart enough to be sitting in R.S. with these Sisters, some are students attending Cambridge....however, the RS President is this very young Sister with the sweetest soul, and she was very good at navigating around some of the discussion that was very edgy for me --questions are good, but questioning may not be, if that makes any sense.) we drove to the Cambridge American Cemetary and Memorial.  This is the only cemetary in England that honors the service and sacrifice of Americans who served overseas during WWII, particularly in the United Kingdom.  The headstones are aligned like the spokes of a wheel.   It was very peaceful and very beautiful.   I am humbled by the sacrifice of so many during WWII and any war for that matter. 

They have a wall of the missing that is 472 feet in length and on the wall are recorded the names and particulars of 5,127 missing in Action, Lost or Buried at Sea.  Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. is on the wall and he is the brother of Pres. John F. Kennedy.  Glenn Miller who was a famed composer and musician is also on the wall.   War does not discriminate and death is the great equalizer.  So much heartache for loved ones that are left behind.  There are three sets of brothers that are in the cemetary. Only 1 brother of the three pairs is buried in the cemetary....the other 5 are on the wall of the missing.   We honor those who have died for our freedoms.  Rest well. 

Guess what this picture is ?  Sorry, I had to take it while we were driving by. We pass these to and from church on Brandon Road... we let our grandson Brandon know that we think of him every time we travel Brandon Road.

 This is a Pig Farm
In our little neck of the woods there are several large pig farms.  I have not seen this kind of pig farming.  In Milford, a little town about 25 miles west of Beaver there is a big pig farm, but the pigs are put together in a big conceled barn.   These pigs live out in the open and have these little huts they use to get out of the weather and to rest in...I couldn't believe how big they were (both the farm and the pigs) but also the very pundgent air that comes along with those farms.   
We also pass by several pastures of sheep....I admit I didn't know what they were at first, because they have long tails and spiky horns...kind of a sheep goat.  

I will end with this thought and on the sheep.   We know who the "Good Shepherd" is and that He knows His sheep.   My friends, we belong to His flock and I am so grateful to be here in England helping His sheep in anyway I can.   It is taking us longer than I thought to get going but we are volunteering more and more and getting to know the members.   I pray daily for inspiration on how to support these Military Members serving here.   I admit I have been struggling with some home sickness and some doubts about my purpose but I woke up to sunshine and birds chirping and I thought, "I am in ENGLAND!"  I am so grateful to be here.   We love and miss our family and friends but time marches on and I better get that beat down.  

Sister Gurr and Elder Gurr (my editor this post)


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