Here's your sign....                               

This week is going by so fast ---- looking forward to the weekend because it is our semi-annual General Conference and we have the blessed opportunity to listen to the Prophet and Apostles and leaders of our Church - the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - speak, counsel, guide and direct us.  Ever since I was born there has been a Prophet on the earth----an actual Prophet of the Lord.  I take it for granted and haven't been in the darkness that can come when we do not have a Prophet to lead and guide and who speaks to the Lord directly. Joseph Smith was the first Prophet of this dispensation.   Joseph Smith was called by our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ to bring forth the gospel to restore all things once again on the earth, and to prepare the world for our Savior's 2nd Coming. Our Prophet today is Russell M. Nelson. I love him, as I have loved those prophets I have known during my  lifetime.  We thank thee O God, for a prophet.

The Book of Mormon tells us that in our day, we will be given signs and warnings from prophets about our Savior's birth, death, resurrection, and 2nd Coming. 

2 Nephi 26
3 And after the Messiah shall come there shall be signs given unto my people of his birth, and also of his death and resurrection; ...
 8 But behold, the righteous that hearken unto the words of the prophets, and destroy them not, but look forward unto Christ with steadfastness for the signs which are given, notwithstanding all persecution—behold, they are they which shall not perish.
13 And that he manifesteth himself unto all those who believe in him, by the power of the Holy Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, working mighty miracles, signs, and wonders, among the children of men according to their faith.

 I could feel this blog space with scriptures of the signs given to us about our Savior and why and how we need to prepare for his triumphant return one day.   However, my thoughts are about the daily signs I see and hear on our Mission that testify of our Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. As the seasons change, I see the beauty of the earth and His creations.  I hear the chirping of busy birds giving me a sense of renewal and happiness.  I hear his voice when I am still and when I listen to Holy Ghost telling me what I need to do.  I feel his love in the music I listen to and hear Him through the voices of those singing in a choir or when I hear the happy laughter of children while playing.  I feel Him and hear his voice when I am in the presence of faithful members or meeting good people who have His light on the street.


While on our morning walk, we passed a little boy happily hanging papers in the bushes outside his home.  I asked him what he was doing, and he said, "I am making a picture garden".  They were pictures he and his little brother had colored and he was proudly displaying them.  It was so tender to me.  We also visited the family of the Bishop of the Mildenhall ward.  He is a young man who is working here in Lakenheath for Northrup Grumman and also working on a PhD while serving as Bishop (for 6 years and counting). He has 4 young boys ranging from 9 to 3 months.  The oldest boy, Leland said the sweetest prayer and asked that the Lord bless us as missionaries and for them to listen to our message.   We played "Don't Eat Pete" with them and I loved listening to all the little chatter and happy voices.    

With all the countries we have visited there have been many signs that we laugh about, and try to understand and some we are grateful to see......

and this sign came out of nowhere while traveling on one of the many backroads trying to get somewhere.  We started to see some indication of the British military and saw this great sign... 

Family and friends, as we look ahead, be aware of the signs you have been given that testify of our Savior and all his love for each one of us.  Listen to the words of our Prophet and the promptings given by the Holy Ghost so we can make changes needed to keep us on that straight and narrow path back to our heavenly home.

“The Church of Jesus Christ has always been led by living prophets and apostles. Though mortal and subject to human imperfection, the Lord’s servants are inspired to help us avoid obstacles that are spiritually life threatening and to help us pass safely through mortality to our final, ultimate, heavenly destination” (M. Russell Ballard, “God Is at the Helm,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 24).

Have a wonderful weekend listening to General Conference. 

Elder and Sister Gurr 



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