What is in a name?                      Mar. 27, 2024

Wearing this badge gives me a sense of responsibility for our actions as representatives of our Savior.  It also has been a bit surprising for us as we have been out and about to other's reactions.

We have been going to several grocery stores to see what is available...not all offer the same things.  We are eating WAY too many new things right now--we will be here for 2 years, I have time.    We love looking at the choices that we don't have in the States.  I am in love with the jams over here.  I also like the bread ---they do love a good piece of toast. When we were checking out of the Tesco, we chatted with the young man who asked if we were who he saw a couple of weeks ago...we said were new here and this was our first visit.  He recognized the badge.  We were in another Grocery store Sainsburys (we understand the Royal Family uses this chain of food stores---ooohhh)  and as we were walking out of the store, a lady said, "Excuse me, are you the new missionaries?"  Yes, yes we are.  She said she was not active and hadn't been for 9 years and they are living here now, but we were welcome to come over and visit anytime.  I want to find her again because that is exactly who we hope to minister to.  When we went to the local little store here in Feltwell, (kind of a very small convenience store) the nice gentleman behind the register said,  "Are you the new couple who replaced the Boatwrights?"  He recognized the badges.   Lory went to the barbershop here in Feltwell also....The barber knew the badge also.   Sadly the gentleman at the BX was confusing us with another religion (one that doesn't celebrate Christmas)  We are not allowed to proselyte at all on the Base, so it does make it a bit more difficult to correct those misconceptions.  

We are official USO volunteers!   When we met with the director, she said she knew our badges were important because she met the missionaries when they lived at Hill Air Force Base in Utah.  So, she said no problems wearing our name tags.  whew.   We have volunteered 3 times this week ....we love being helpful and have cleaned almost every surface in the building.  I would love to mop, but that is contracted out--lowest bidder got it, but I sure would like to do it.  This has been a slow week because it is Spring Break and they had a 4-day weekend last week and this weekend also--- For those who are in the Military or affiliated, those 4-day weekends are awesome, so a lot of families are out and about traveling---the best part of being overseas.

We have noticed when we walk in the mornings (when it is not raining) that a lot of the houses have names.   Some of the names make sense....some I think people just like the name.   Here are a few we like:

This says Churchman House

This one is my favorite! Gee, I wonder why,

I was thinking of my Dad on this one

When we get home, I think we will name our house too ---What would you name yours?  I am so happy to be able to wear this badge that says we are here as Military Relation Missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It identifies us as disciples of Christ which we are trying to be.

The names and titles of Jesus in the Scriptures hold profound significance and symbolism.  They reveal his identity as the Son of God and the world’s Savior.  
In the Book of Mormon there are over one hundred different names and titles of Jesus, appearing an average of once every 1.7 verses in the Book of Mormon. We are a church that Knows our Saviour Jesus Chirst ---We believe in God the Eternal Father, and in His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. 

2 Nehi 25:26 - 
And we atalk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we bprophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our cchildren may know to what source they may look for a dremission of their sins.

Have a great Easter -   He lives and we love Him.

Elder & Sister Gurr


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