
Showing posts from April, 2024
  Every needful thing...and more. What a wonderful General Conference weekend we had recently.  Saturdays are our P-days so we generally spend our time cleaning and washing.  We are so grateful for both a washer and a dryer.  A load of whites in the washer takes 2 hours 15 min to complete a cycle, and then about 70 minutes to dry, so you can imagine we are doing laundry all day long.  We have discovered we need to wash our sheets on Fridays or we run out of time to get everything washed, dried, and put away--oh the challenges. By 5:00 pm we were ready to sit and watch the first session of GC.   We were surprised to see snow on the ground when they turned the camera on outside the Tabernacle.  We stayed up and watched both sessions.  Elder Holland was delightful and I loved his message about prayer --what did He experience that was so sacred and yet so important? I felt his need to express the admonition to return to his ministry with more urgency, more consecration, more focus on the S
Here's your sign....                                This week is going by so fast ---- looking forward to the weekend because it is our semi-annual General Conference and we have the blessed opportunity to listen to the Prophet and Apostles and leaders of our Church - the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - speak, counsel, guide and direct us.  Ever since I was born there has been a Prophet on the earth----an actual Prophet of the Lord.  I take it for granted and haven't been in the darkness that can come when we do not have a Prophet to lead and guide and who speaks to the Lord directly. Joseph Smith was the first Prophet of this dispensation.   Joseph Smith was called by our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ to bring forth the gospel to restore all things once again on the earth, and to prepare the world for our Savior's 2nd Coming. Our Prophet today is Russell M. Nelson. I love him, as I have loved those prophets I have known during my  lifetime.  We th
Spring is in the air....well something is anyway.    This is a picture from the MTC.  The picture at night lets light through to give it a beautiful effect....just as the Savior is our light and when we let him through, He shines inside of us. Spring is in full bloom in England.  We arrived on the 29th of February and the daffodils were blooming and have continued through the month of March.   The flowers grow all along the roadside and in the middle of the round-abouts.   My favorite flower is the tulip, but after this month, the daffodil is a heavy contender.   Maybe it is something to do with the cooler temps and the wetter climate, but these have been blooming all month.  Some British members I spoke with debated about whether the daffodil is the flower of England ---it is for Wales, but maybe not here in England---they sure have been beautiful. Sorry my pictures are from the car window as we whiz by.     Spring is always such a great time for renewal and for starting fresh.  I won