
It is SEPTEMBER already!!! August seemed to fly by.  We had an active month with lots of activities to keep us busy.   We sadly said good-bye to families we learned to love and yet we have new families moving in to get to know.... the never-ending cycle of what military families experience every 3 or so years. I hurt my knee (again) and so our daily walking routine has been non-existent so that was NOT fun.   One thing we have been warned about is the lack of vitamin D.  Come to find out it is really important vitamin to have.  I am low on Vitamin D and we are in the height of the summer months...what will I do in the winter?  As of now, I have been prescribed a high dose of Vitamin D to get my body back on track....What a blessing to have good doctors and to be able to be seen on the base.  We are also sad to say goodbye to some of our missionary's as they have been transferred and some have also gone home.   It is easy to love these young missionaries.   We have been so impressed
  Proud to be an American!  I love that Lee Greenwood plays in my head whenever I think of what being an American means.   It is also more poignant to me while we are in a foreign country ---and a bit ironic it is the country our founding fathers left to find freedom. We celebrated the last Saturday in June at the Lakenheath Liberty Fest.   It was a large event that brought a carnival and food trucks and fireworks to the community on base and invited friends that were off-base and British citizens also .    We also have another big event we celebrate in July We celebrated our 4oth anniversary by going to the London Temple and doing family sealings.   The temple was a beautiful place to be and a great reminder of our covenants made to the Lord and to each other.  What a blessing to live close enough that we can attend the temple.  Although the London Temple is not in our Mission boundaries, we did request and receive permission from our Mission President to attend...thank you
 June part 3....finally getting caught up. This is it.... last of June playing catch up...however, it is really the last post?...I think not.  June was just a great busy month after-all.  One of the fun things about being a mission is that we have such great experiences with people.  Members from the church, people we interact with at the Commissary or while we volunteer -- each interaction is a wonderful opportunity to share our badge and who we represent.   We are now official Red Cross Volunteers.   We are not allowed to wear our badges...yet.  We are praying for that to be able to change.  While at the "newcomers" brief we attend, we were sitting next to the ITT department table and Elder Gurr kept hearing "the Book of Mormon".  They were promoting tickets to see the play in London.  Elder Gurr leaned over, uncovered his badge and said to the lady, "the book is better!"  We had a Senior Couples retreat the 21/22 of June.  We started near Birmingham whi
 here is an extra little Vignette... We had the opportunity to help with a service project in a cemetery located in Mildenhall town center.  We didn't even recognize the place as a cemetery because it is all walled in, and the church nearby was torn down years ago from being so depleted.   This area was so overgrown with trees and bushes and hedges, you couldn't see what was behind the walls.   There is one small gate for the entrance, and it was like stepping back into time.  To say it was a bit creepy is an understatement.   Sadly, it was used up until it was closed off (except for the one entrance) as a "hang-out" for groups that were "sharing" their various forms of self-enlightenment.     The Relief Society Sister in charge, Sister Theresa Chipulina was there with her sister and 2 small children, and us.   We are so glad we made the effort to go...this is what we faced...overgrown headstones and thick ivy covering them.  It was like uncovering a hidden
  June part 2....only 1 more to go. I don't always think that we are busy, but looking back and what we were able to do in the month of June, I realize we had a good month.  I have some moments were I still struggled with what we are doing or not doing, and I understand, I need to give it time.   We are THRIFT SHOP volunteers and also RED CR0SS volunteers.   So, Tuesdays are our day for the Red Cross, and we help with new-comer orientations.   Thursdays are our day at the Thrift Shop on Mildenhall.   Hopefully, Wednesday will be devoted to the library starting in Sept. ************************************************************************************ We had a "Power of the Badge" moment on Mildenhall.  We got out of our car and were walking toward the BX.   A man and women were standing just outside the front sliding doors.   The woman looked at us, and it was a look like, "I know you" and we both thought, "do we know her?"   She slowly just started
 getting caught up...yikes! so far behind.  This is part one of three blogs......June 2024 Poppy Field near our home in Feltwell.   Because it was the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Invasion, a lot of places placed poppies around memorials and churches.  It is sad to think that the men and women who fought in WWII are now dying off....I hope we never forget their sacrifice.   Elder Gurr's dad served in Paris during the war.  Most churches here have a reminder either outside or inside with names of those who gave their lives for the price of freedom.  The picture in the middle is from our main church here in Feltwell. In the Book of Mormon we have our "war chapters" too.  I never realized until a few years ago just how many lessons come from those chapters.   We all know the power of one who can make a stand against evil.  I love the story of Capt. Moroni and the Title of also was a symbol for the people to remember the purpose of why they needed to fight f