
Showing posts from September, 2024
It is SEPTEMBER already!!! August seemed to fly by.  We had an active month with lots of activities to keep us busy.   We sadly said good-bye to families we learned to love and yet we have new families moving in to get to know.... the never-ending cycle of what military families experience every 3 or so years. I hurt my knee (again) and so our daily walking routine has been non-existent so that was NOT fun.   One thing we have been warned about is the lack of vitamin D.  Come to find out it is really important vitamin to have.  I am low on Vitamin D and we are in the height of the summer months...what will I do in the winter?  As of now, I have been prescribed a high dose of Vitamin D to get my body back on track....What a blessing to have good doctors and to be able to be seen on the base.  We are also sad to say goodbye to some of our missionary's as they have been transferred and some have also gone home.   It is easy to love these young missionaries.   We have been so impressed