
Showing posts from May, 2024
 Are you hedging your bets in the gospel? This picture does not even come close to the beauty of the countryside and the use of "hedges" here in England.    A hedge is a fence or boundary formed by closely grown bushes or shrubs trained to form a barrier or to mark boundary of an area.  Hedges are used to separate a road from adjoining fields.  They do serve another purpose as windbreaks to improve conditions for an adjacent crop.   A Hedgerow is when trees are also incorporated.     When we walk around the village of Feltwell, we see so many homes that use hedges to separate and beautify their properties.   I am amazed how big these hedges can grow and how well maintained most of them are.  Some grow so high and completely block out the view of the yard--- it is their "fences" that we in the US seem to use so much.   It does make a pretty addition to the landscape.   Did you know that the UK alone has approx. 390,000 km of hedges and could span the circumference of